Move Date confirmed!
We will be moving to Ruthven Street during the week beginning April 1st.
Studio closure
Last access at Firhill Road will be March 31st and we will reopen in the new premises on April 9th (one week ahead of our next courses starting).
We will ensure all pots on the firing shelves by Saturday March 23rd are fired before the move (bisque and glaze). It was suggested and agreed at the meeting that any unfired work is moved by members themselves; those with cars said they would be happy to help those without, and that otherwise we should pay a removals company to move everything, which I agree is sensible.
Setting up the new studio
Where your help would be useful (and I think fun :-) is getting everything unpacked and set-up in the new space, the date for this will be Saturday 6th of April, 11am- 4pm, with celebration drinks afterwards!
Notes from the Meeting 01/03/2024
Discussion was mainly around two areas:
1) the need to be cognicant of the change in neighborhood demographic moving from Maryhill to Dowanhill; how we should communicate our ethos, and what more we could do to ensure accessibility for all
2) the timing and aims of the open weekend
Free places for Refugees and others who cannot otherwise afford
There was a consensus that in the new location, with extra space for concurrent classes, proximity to bars, restaurants and public transport, and wealthier neighbors, we should use one-off taster and private-group workshops to raise money for subsidising membership for low-income individuals (Rowen who is happy to run these workshops).
We should price one-off workshops on a par with Spin and Craft Pottery (£65 ph. per person) but be very clear when promoting them that we are a non-profit and money raised through the workshops will fund affordable membership. This fundraising activity should be year-round.
We should work with local groups, such as Maryhill Integration Network and Refugwegee to discretely offer funded places to their clients, who will participate as regular members, though it was suggested that we could partner refugees with a ‘buddy’.
I will write a statement
Katharina, Giada, Sara-Jane and myself, who have contacts with local groups, and will approach.
Classes for children and young people
With the extra space we can also run a cheap program for children and young people. Sara-Jane is keen to develop an affordable program for young people and possibly schools.
Discuss with Sara-Jane (and perhaps Kate and Anna)
Access Sessions
I described the new software I have identified (Nexedus) that will allow us to offer hourly booking and members to see how many people are booked, as well as providing a better online platform for members to ask questions, share ideas etc.
Most people were keen to have the option to be in the studio alone so they could attend whenever suited, but did prefer being in the studio with other members. There was an agreement that we can outline times for ‘social sessions’ but that members shouldn’t be restricted to these times.
Additional storage in the new premises will allow us to increase membership, so we can increase access-hours whilst maintaining a social environment.
Everyone agreed that the staffed sessions were needed for new members, and I plan to extend the times for these, as I will be able to have an office space in the studio.
I will sign-up for and populate Nexudus before we move, Amy has offered to help (she is currently retraining as a UX designer). The new booking system, access hours and membership structure will go live on April 8th.
Open Weekend
It was decided that our open weekend should take place in June as part of West Fest. The only weekend this is possible, after courses and before the school holidays is the 22nd & 23rd of June
It was agreed we should offer a range of workshops to welcome people to call in and see what we do, but these should be cheap, short, tasters; fundraising should focus on taking future workshop and course bookings.
Sara-Jane and Anna offered to run kids workshops, Hannah and Elise offered to run hand-building workshops.
We can run a raffle and bar, which are as much about building connections with local businesses, through prizes and sponsorship, as they are about raising money.
I will write a statement to enable everyone to approach businesses to seek prizes and sponsorship. Lauren offered to arrange the license and coordinate the running of the bar.
Live Music
We can have live music if we’re able to find musicians to play in exchange for membership, but that the cost of paying musicians cannot be justified.
Elise will speak to contacts at Douglas School of Music, Katharina will speak to contacts at the Conservatoire, I will speak to friends who are musicians.
Pot Sale
Emily, Susan and Katharina offered to coordinate the pot sale (including coordinating all those participating to manage sales over the weekend).